Troubleshooting Cargo Generate Installation for Sway Smart Contract Deployment

When deploying a Sway Smart Contract, an essential step is to test the contract using cargo test. To facilitate this, we first need to generate the default test harness, which requires installing cargo generate. However, you might encounter errors during the installation process. Here’s how to resolve them.

Installing Cargo Generate

Begin by installing cargo generate using the following command:

cargo install cargo-generate

Error Solutions

Error: Linker cc Not Found

The first error you might encounter an error stating Linker cc not found. This can be resolved by installing build-essential:

sudo apt install build-essential

Error: openssl-sys V0.9.98 Build Failed

After fixing the linker cc error, you might encounter another error related to openssl-sys failing to build. Resolve this by installing the necessary libraries:

sudo apt install libssl-dev
sudo apt install pkg-config
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev

Final Steps

Once these issues are resolved, you can proceed with reinstalling cargo generate:

cargo install cargo-generate

After successfully executing these steps, your development environment should be set up to test and deploy Sway Smart Contracts.